
Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014

Frage und Antwort-Spiel: Isch bin dabei

Halli hallo,

ein tolles Frage-Antwort-Spiel habe ich bei Sarahsweethearts entdeckt. ich liebe solche Spielchen, weil man dann auch mehr über andere Blogger erfährt. Ausserdem bleibt es einem selber überlassen, wieviel man über sich selbst erzählt. Wer noch mitmachen möchte, sollte schnell zu Sarah rüberhüpfen und einfach loslegen.

Are you a multi crafter?
Yes, I am. I do crochet most of the time. But I like cooking and baking. I can sew. I did some hardanger stitching years ago. I stitch a dragon for my son. I did some window color and papercrafts when the kids were younger.

Do you like to knit or crochet more?
 Crochet, crochet, crochet

What is your favorite brand of yarn?
Bravo from Schachenmayr. It is cheap and a lot of colors.

Striped, variegated or solid?
 Everything. I like diversified.

How long have you been crocheting/knitting?
I crochet since my childhood. I don't remember when I started. This was my first needle cushion.

Your preferred hook size?
 Nr. 4 and Nr.5 (german size)

Acrylic, wool, cotton or blends?
 Acrylic, it's cheaper (I need a lot of balls) and does not weigh as much.

Do you like a regular handle or a thicker handle...such as a wood covered, clay covered, etc.
 I hate this, because it hurts me after a while...
... and I love this

Do you donate or gift most of your items?
 The most is for myself but I made a lot of babyblankets as a gift.

What sort of charities do you donate to?
I hope in the future I can do that and crochet blankets for older people.

What is your main reason for being a yarn/textile enthusiast?
 There is so much you can do with it. And a lot of colors that makes every day brighten up

 What hook size do you not have in your collection?
I think I have every size.

How did you learn?
My mum has taught me how to crochet. And I taught myself how to crochet doilies.

Bis bald, eure


4 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Lisa, I found your blog thanks to Creative Jewish Mom linky party.
    I'm a multi crafter,too but I'm not so good as you!

  2. Liebe Grüße aus Münchberg;)

  3. :) I loved reading your answers and seeing all your photos! :)

  4. Your crocheting is beautiful. I especially love your doilies and hardanger.


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